Thursday, October 29, 2009

Does Natalie Imbruglia really need those geeky glasses?

This wasn’t a fancy-dress party with a ‘Buddy Holly’ theme or a global geek's convention. This was the reopening of Chinawhite, the supercool nightclub in London’s West End, one of the favourite hang-outs of Prince Harry, who is said to be quite a fan of yours - minus the specs one assumes.


  1. Yes, she looks lovely without them.
    But with the glasses...she has a little bit of a different lovely-ness.

  2. No she don't need them. But I kind of like them. So she can keep m haha.

  3. She definitely doesn't need them I think they are too big for her face but the "geek chic" look is still going strong out here in London..
    I love the new look Chinawhite but have yet to "bump" into Prince Harry... : ( *swoon*

    [found through Chictopia x]
